8.19.15: The police kill again in St. Louis. Some accounts and thoughts on what happened in response
On Wednesday, August 19, 2015 at 11:30 a.m., St. Louis Police shot and killed 18-year-old Mansur “Man-Man” Ball-Bey. Within hours the police had been shouted off the block and by nightfall tear gas and fires dotted the neighborhood. August 19th marked the one-year anniversary of police shooting and killing Kajeme Powell. A march was held […]

Beyond Innocence: On Recent Police Murders in and Around St. Louis
LeDarius Williams was shot and killed by St. Louis police on Tuesday afternoon. Shortly after, around sixty people gathered in the neighborhood where the shooting occurred. Through tears his mother cried, “People need to stand up. This shit is just gonna keep happening.” The crowd dispersed after a couple hours. As usual, the next day […]

Inanimate Objects and Human Bodies
The following is an excerpt from the zine One Four Seven: Some Notes on Tactics and Strategy from Durham’s Recent Anti-Police Marches. On Friday, December 5th protesters in Durham, NC took over the Durham Freeway (Rt 147). What follows is a reflection on the tactic used there of pulling objects into the streets to aid in […]

Berkeley, MO // December 23, 2014
A line forty or fifty cops long blocked the Mobil parking lot in Berkeley, MO where Antonio Martin had been shot and killed several hours earlier. It was chilling to see his body still lying covered on the ground when we got there. The horror, loss and pain felt palpable watching his body placed on […]

Why Break Windows?
From CrimethInc.: From the initial revolt in Ferguson last August to the demonstrations in Oakland and Berkeley last week, property destruction has been central to a new wave of struggle against police violence. But what does vandalizing businesses have to do with protesting police brutality? Why break windows? First, as countless others have argued, because […]

In Defense of Looting
From: The New Inquiry As protests in Ferguson continued unabated one week after the police killing of Michael Brown, Jr., zones of Twitter and the left media predominantly sympathetic to the protesters began angrily criticizing looters. Some claimed that white protesters were the ones doing all of the looting and property destruction, while others worried […]

Donations Needed to Bail and Legal Fund as Ferguson and St. Louis Erupt
As rebellion erupts once again in Ferguson as well as in St. Louis City, funds are urgently needed to support the rebels arrested. Initial reports suggest at least 61 people were arrested last night, and we expect the actual number is higher and will to continue to grow as the week unfolds. Please spread the […]