Write to Josh!
Josh was transferred today to the Eastern Reception, Diagnostic and Correctional Center in Bonne Terre, Missouri. He will be held there for an undetermined amount of time before being transferred to a more long term facility. Josh has expressed that he would like to receive letters, so please take a moment to drop him a […]

Reportback from Josh’s Sentencing
The court room was certainly packed. It was full to capacity, with a number of people waiting outside the courtroom doors. Our phones were taken as we entered, a strict manifestation of the “no cellphones in court” rule, probably because there were so many of us (and maybe because so many of the people entering […]

Missouri Prison Newsletter #10
Issue #10, December 2015 The Missouri Prison Newsletter is distributed to (about 275) people in prisons across the U.S., but focusing on those incarcerated in Missouri and Illinois. The previous eight issues are available here: Issue #1, January-February 2014 Issue #2, February-March 2014 Issue #3, March-April 2014 Issue #4, April-May 2014 Issue #5, May-June 2014 […]

Missouri Prison Newsletter #9
Issue #9, October-November 2015 The Missouri Prison Newsletter is distributed to (about 230) people in prisons across the U.S., but focusing on those incarcerated in Missouri and Illinois. The previous eight issues are available here: Issue #1, January-February 2014 Issue #2, February-March 2014 Issue #3, March-April 2014 Issue #4, April-May 2014 Issue #5, May-June 2014 […]

Update from Menard Hunger Strikers
The hunger strike at Menard Correctional Center lasted 6 days, from September 23-September 28. Twenty-one prisoners participated. It seems like the administration has begun to cave to some of the strikers’ demands. The disciplinary reports filed during the strike have all been cleared from the prisoners’ records. However, they are still facing some amount of […]

Noise Demonstration in Solidarity with Hunger Strike at Menard Correctional in Illinois
On September 23rd, prisoners in the administrative detention unit at Menard Correctional Center in Chester, Illinois declared a hunger strike in response to the administration’s continued unwillingness to respond to their demands for relief from their conditions of long-term solitary confinement. See below for their list of demands and description of their conditions. This strike […]

Missouri Prison Newsletter #5
Issue #5, May-June 2014 The Missouri Prison Newsletter is distributed to (about 150) people in prisons across the U.S., but focusing on those incarcerated in Missouri and Illinois. It contains history of local prison rebellions, poetry, excerpts from zines available through the associated zine distro, and original content directed toward building affinity with those inside, […]

Call-In Day Monday April 28th In Support of Menard Hunger Strikers
On this upcoming Monday, April 28th we are asking and encouraging people to participate in a Call-In Day in support of the prisoners in the High Security Unit at Menard Correctional Center in Illinois who are facing retaliation for engaging in a hunger strike in January. Prisoners there have been beaten by guards and metal […]

Missouri Prison Newsletter #3
Issue #3, March-April 2014 The Missouri Prison Newsletter is distributed to (about 100) people in prisons across the U.S., but focusing on those incarcerated in Missouri and Illinois. It contains history of local prison rebellions, poetry, excerpts from zines available through the associated zine distro, and original content directed toward building affinity with those […]

Menard Hunger Strikers’ Response to Noise Demonstration Outside the Prison
From: The Facebook Page of The Uptown People’s Law Center An update from the #Menard Hunger Strike was just released by Alice Lynd, an attorney in Ohio who has been in regular contact with several of the men. The men have won some local support. One of the prisoners wrote: “Yesterday, on Monday Jan. 27, […]