Survivor Speaks Out on Rafael Hernandez, Running for 12th Ward Alderman
This article contains an account of sexual assault that some might find upsetting to read. From Rafaelhernandezisarapist.noblogs.org You can read the police report of this incident here. St. Louis, MO – Survivor Monica*1 wants people to know that Rafael Hernandez who’s running for the 12th Ward Alderman attempted to rape her while she was closing […]

Watch Your Back
As yet another college semester begins, one less rapist will be returning to St. Louis University – but only for one semester. At a Take Back the Night event on SLU campus this past Spring, 30 or more people marched through SLU’s campus carrying banners which read “Touch me and I’ll fucking Kill you” and […]

Occupy Patriarchy
If we want an end to capitalism, Patriarchy, too, must be destroyed. Womyn’s Discussion at Kiener Plaza, Downtown St. Louis Wednesday, November 9th at 4 pm & Sunday, November 13th at 3 pm As of now, the plan is to meet every Wednesday and Sunday. At the next discussion we will work on drafting demands […]