Why Break Windows?
From CrimethInc.: From the initial revolt in Ferguson last August to the demonstrations in Oakland and Berkeley last week, property destruction has been central to a new wave of struggle against police violence. But what does vandalizing businesses have to do with protesting police brutality? Why break windows? First, as countless others have argued, because […]

In Defense of Looting
From: The New Inquiry As protests in Ferguson continued unabated one week after the police killing of Michael Brown, Jr., zones of Twitter and the left media predominantly sympathetic to the protesters began angrily criticizing looters. Some claimed that white protesters were the ones doing all of the looting and property destruction, while others worried […]

Donations Needed to Bail and Legal Fund as Ferguson and St. Louis Erupt
As rebellion erupts once again in Ferguson as well as in St. Louis City, funds are urgently needed to support the rebels arrested. Initial reports suggest at least 61 people were arrested last night, and we expect the actual number is higher and will to continue to grow as the week unfolds. Please spread the […]

The Police Serve, Young People Die…An Open Letter on Calls for “Peace” in Response to Police Murder
The letter that follows was written by Farid El Yamni, the brother of Wissam El Yamni, murdered by the police in Paris, France on New Year’s Day 2012, and is addressed to the mother of Rémi Fraisse, murdered by police during a protest in France on October 31st of this year. He wanted it to […]

Act Two: St. Louis Erupts After Another Police Murder
Just after dusk on Wednesday night in St. Louis, a cop killed 18 year-old Vonderitt “Drew” Myers. This is the third incident of cops killing black men in two months – sadly this is not above average. What is above average, though, is people’s response to it. Like Mike Brown, there has been debate about […]

A Timeline of the Ferguson Uprising
Saturday 8/9/14 – Michael Brown is shot and killed by police officer Darren Wilson. Brown was walking home from a convenience store to his grandma’s house, when the officer stopped him for jaywalking and a scuffle ensued. Witnesses say that the officer shot Brown as he fled with his hands up in surrender. A crowd […]

Accomplices Wanted: A few notes on race, legitimacy, and solidarity with the struggle in Ferguson
From Prison Books Collective On August 9th, a white police officer murdered an unarmed Black teenager named Michael Brown (“Mike-Mike”) on the streets of Ferguson, MO, a couple miles north of St. Louis. Nothing about this was abnormal or newsworthy in any way; it was simply another reminder of the cheapness of poor Black life […]

A Zine, Some Posters, and Two Interviews
New poster to raise money for those arrested in Ferguson. From Corina Dross A new poster, by artist Corina Dross, about the uprisings in Ferguson is being sold to raise money for the bail and legal fund for those arrested. A Zine and Two posters from Ferguson and Further From Ferguson and Further Also, a […]

Ferguson. Over one week in.
What began as a protest movement after 10 days of sustained defiance, has taken a couple shaky steps towards revolt. The situation here is still fluid and ripe with potential. Locally, people are surprised that similar unrest hasn’t sparked off in other cities. If it were to spread, the scope here would likely widen. It’s […]