Reportback from Josh’s Sentencing
The court room was certainly packed. It was full to capacity, with a number of people waiting outside the courtroom doors. Our phones were taken as we entered, a strict manifestation of the “no cellphones in court” rule, probably because there were so many of us (and maybe because so many of the people entering […]

Berkeley, MO // December 23, 2014
A line forty or fifty cops long blocked the Mobil parking lot in Berkeley, MO where Antonio Martin had been shot and killed several hours earlier. It was chilling to see his body still lying covered on the ground when we got there. The horror, loss and pain felt palpable watching his body placed on […]

The Good, The Bad and The Wingnutty: #OccupySTL One Month On
The following is a personal account and analysis of the first month of OccupySTL. In hopes of depicting a more well-rounded picture of #OccupySTL, I’m going to try and quickly describe the last 2 or 3 weeks – warts and all. It seems initial excitement (and plain lack of time to describe more) might have […]