Act Two: St. Louis Erupts After Another Police Murder
Just after dusk on Wednesday night in St. Louis, a cop killed 18 year-old Vonderitt “Drew” Myers. This is the third incident of cops killing black men in two months – sadly this is not above average. What is above average, though, is people’s response to it. Like Mike Brown, there has been debate about […]

A Timeline of the Ferguson Uprising
Saturday 8/9/14 – Michael Brown is shot and killed by police officer Darren Wilson. Brown was walking home from a convenience store to his grandma’s house, when the officer stopped him for jaywalking and a scuffle ensued. Witnesses say that the officer shot Brown as he fled with his hands up in surrender. A crowd […]

Accomplices Wanted: A few notes on race, legitimacy, and solidarity with the struggle in Ferguson
From Prison Books Collective On August 9th, a white police officer murdered an unarmed Black teenager named Michael Brown (“Mike-Mike”) on the streets of Ferguson, MO, a couple miles north of St. Louis. Nothing about this was abnormal or newsworthy in any way; it was simply another reminder of the cheapness of poor Black life […]

Ferguson. Over one week in.
What began as a protest movement after 10 days of sustained defiance, has taken a couple shaky steps towards revolt. The situation here is still fluid and ripe with potential. Locally, people are surprised that similar unrest hasn’t sparked off in other cities. If it were to spread, the scope here would likely widen. It’s […]

Let Us Not Become Police, Let Us Not Become Sheep
1. What happened to Mike Brown is a tragedy that can’t be put into words. A less spoken tragedy is that it’s the day to day reality for so many of us–especially those of us who are young, who are people of color, who don’t fit the cops’ idea of an acceptable, law abiding citizen. […]

An Eye for an Eye Makes Our Masters Blind: One Account of Last Night’s Anti-Police Riot
“City—fuck ’em Narcotics—fuck ’em Feds—fuck ’em D.A.—fuck ’em” On the afternoon of Saturday, August 9th, 2014 an 18 year old, unarmed teenager named Mike “Mike Mike” Brown was murdered by a Ferguson Police Department cop. He was shot in the back and the head, as he knelt on the street with his hands in […]

Bail and Legal Fund for Those Arrested During Ferguson Anti-Police Demonstrations
A bail and legal fund has been established to support the 43 or so people who have been arrested during the anti-police demonstrations in Ferguson, Mo. Please spread the word widely and help us get some money together to get these people out.Also, we are looking for information on who was arrested so we can […]
October 22nd March Against Police Brutality
October 22nd March Against Police Brutality The October 22nd Coalition to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation has been mobilizing every year since 1996 for a National Day of Protest on October 22nd, bringing together those under the gun and those not under the gun as a powerful voice to expose […]

Non-violence Must be Anti-Police
The following is a letter to the editor published in the Summer 2012 edition of The RoundTable, a publication of the St. Louis Catholic Worker Community. Dear Roundtable, I appreciated the latest issue about the occupation movement. It seems to me that the Roundtable offers a practice of concrete analysis of current social movements and […]

Welcome to Compton Hill Reservoir Park…
This park brochure was distributed during the April 3rd anti-police brutality vigil at Compton Hill Reservoir Park: Full Text: Welcome to Compton Hill Reservoir Park “The park is gorgeous. The best time to come is shortly after 10 in the evening. The colors are simply spectacular. One night I remember these well-groomed men in a lovely […]