
Another Word for White Ally is Coward
By Anti-State STL on 2015/08/21
Fear. Fear is real. There are times when fear should be listened to. Like when shots ring out and fear tells you to duck and run. There are other times when fear needs to be pushed through. We leave it […]
Posted in General | Tagged activism, barricades, cowardice, trust, white allies, white ally | 1 Response

What’s Worked in the Past: Learning From Ferguson
By Anti-State STL on 2014/12/27
Download a PDF of this article here. From Counter Punch /by Peter Gelderloos The announcement of the non-indictment of Darren Wilson caught me on the road, traveling to visit family for the Thanksgiving holiday. The next day I found myself in a protest, one of over a hundred occurring across the country. There I witnessed […]
Posted in General | Tagged activism, activists, against the law, analysis, anarchist, barricades, ferguson, FTP, just us, liberalism, looting