Spring Prisoner Newsletter // DC Anti-Inauguration Reportback, Vaughn Rebellion and Letters
Some folks in STL recently sent out a new prisoner newsletter. Contents include some thoughts on the Alt-right, white supremacy and Trump, a never before seen firsthand account of the J/20 DC anti-inauguration riot, information about the Vaughn Rebellion and some prisoner letters in response to the last newsletter. Follow this link to see it […]

2/25 reportback from LGBTQIA March + Rally
On Saturday, February 25 there was a fierce LGBTQIA march in downtown St. Louis. We gathered in response to Trump and new Missouri legislation targeting queer and trans folks, specifically trans youth and where they may or may not use the bathroom. But there are many other reasons that brought us out that go […]

Robert is Getting Out! Help Him Get Back on His Feet!
To donate, click this link: https://www.youcaring.com/1312robertstephenson Help us help Robert Stephenson get back on his feet after spending time in prison for his support and action during the Ferguson Rebellion. As anyone knows who has ever been to prison, it can be hard to get back on your feet without a little help. Especially with […]

Strike Reportback & News for Prisoners
For years now, various people have come together seeking to communicate with subversive prisoners in Missouri and surrounding states through the use of publications such as hotsheets and newsletters. While this has looked many different ways with varying groupings of intentional outside collectivity through the years, we keep trying to maintain correspondence with prison rebels. […]

Prisons and Jails are for Burning: September 9th Noise Demo
(Real quick announcement! Please donate funds to help Atlanta comrades who suffered police repression during their solidarity demo!) St. Louis, MO: Around dusk, 50 people gathered at Hickey Park and marched to the Hall Street detention center in solidarity with the nation-wide prisoner strike. Banners were unfurled. “Prisons are for burning,” “Let the crops rot, […]

Sept 1st: Abolish Prisons! A information and movie night about the upcoming Sept. 9th national prison strike!
Reposted from a Facebook event: On September 1st, let’s get together to discuss the upcoming National Prisoner Strike on the 9th at Love Bank Park! There is already a planned noise demonstration at the St. Louis City Work House on the 9th, so this event will give us an opportunity to eat together, prepare and […]

September 9th Nationwide Prisoner Strike Poster
Here is a poster (11×17) for the upcoming nationwide prisoner strike on September 9th. Download, print and put it up around your city if you feel it. There is a grayscale version here as well as a version in French here. For more information about the strike and the ongoing wave of prison rebellions across […]

Recent Holman Riots // Prisoner Hotsheet
Some folks in St. Louis recently sent out this hotsheet to over 300 contacts in Missouri and surrounding states. In hopes of spreading the rebellions, feel free to print it and mail it to prisoners near you. Let prisoners on the inside know more about what has been erupting out of an Alabama prison. There […]
The Poor Persons Defense of Riots
From Counterpunch – by DELIO VASQUEZ Practical Looting, Rational Riots, and the Shortcomings of Black Liberalism Since the Ferguson decision, we have been flooded with stories about how the overwhelmingly peaceful nation-wide protests against police brutality have been occasionally ruined by looting and property destruction caused by “fringe” elements. In conservative media, the trouble-makers have […]