An Open Letter to Occupy Regarding the Controversy Over “Demands” and the Movement’s Way Forward
The following article was written by anarchist political prisoner Sean Swain in response to an article in Rolling Stone “Why Occupy Needs to Start Making Demands.” To write to Sean, see his address below. A recent article in Rolling Stone presented a picture of Occupy divided over the issue of “demands.” According to the […]

Occupy, Liberate, De-Colonize: An Open Letter to the Occupy Movement from Anarchist Political Prisoner Sean Swain
In 2007, in a published interview I observed that if Ohio prisoners simply laid on their bunks for 30 days, the system would collapse. I wasn’t talking about just the prison system, but Ohio’s entire economy. I came to that conclusion because I recognized that 50,000 prisoners work for pennies per day making the food, […]