No responses to “Banks Vandalized in Springfield, MO”

  1. oh the poor poor banks. how will they ever recover? that damn bart simpson

  2. Here’s another peaceful protest option.

    I made a video protest recently for my blog. It is quite funny even if you are pro-megabank. I called my credit card’s customer service line to do some negotiating. Having a bit of leverage, I thought it presented a great opportunity to mess with them a little and make a few points about the unfairness of the credit card lending system. Since it’s a protest at home, I called it my kitchen counterstrike against Bank of America. I think you might enjoy it.

  3. That…. Is some serious jumping to conclusions the reporter is making there. “People with Occupy Springfield have not returned our e-mail messages to confirm that this vandalism is caused by someone in the group.” is worded as if there is no doubt they were. This is bullshit.